How to Stay Cool in the Office

With the arrival of the hottest day ever recorded in the UK, many people chose to not go into the office and work from home. Temperatures reached a record of more than 40 degrees Celsius this week. Whether you work in an office or stay at home we’re going to look at some simple ways to beat the heat in this short article.

The most obvious way is to stay hydrated. Drinking a reasonable amount of fluids, preferably water, throughout the day offsets any dehydration caused by the heat. You can add a pinch of sea salt to make sure you get the appropriate amount of electrolytes in your fluids. Depending on your sixe, 2 litres is the bare minimum you should be shooting for across the day. Slightly more if you’re bigger or if the heat is very extreme. You should sip this amount of water slowly throughout the day and make sure you’re urinating as you normally would.

Most offices have air conditioning and this is a blessing in the heat. If you don’t or are based at home where very few people have air conditioning then you can invest in a mobile air conditioning unit or a suitable fan. Mobile units are generally very expensive and have to be stored for the other 363 days of the year when they aren’t needed. This may not be practical when you live in a small inner city flat. However, if you have the room to store it a mobile unit can be a great addition to your home office equipment and your company may even fund it.

Fans can be a good idea. They are cheaper than air con units and much easier to store. They come in various sizes, from large ones that stand independently on the floor to desk fans which still have plenty of cooling power. If you need a smaller one in the office, or in a coffee shop, there are USB fans which are great for ease of carry and you don’t need to worry about batteries etc.. For even more convenience you can even get phone fans which run off of your phone battery.

Clothing. While your work attire may be determined by your role, there may be the flexibility to opt for cooler materials which will make your day a lot more bearable. Where you can try cooler cottons and thinner fabrics that still meet the acceptable levels for your expected outfits. Try looser fitting clothes that allow your skin to breathe and lighter colours are generally better in the heat. This is why cricketers tend to wear all white outfits!

So when the next round of scorching weather hits us here in the UK you’ve got some solid tips on how to stay cool whether you’re in the office or working from home. Just adding a couple of these little tips can really make your day much more pleasant.
