Office Plants Can Improve Employee Wellbeing

When it comes to improving the health and wellbeing of your staff then plants are not high on the list of things that you’d think of. Exercise, ergonomic desks, healthy snacks etc.. would all rank higher on the list but carefully selected plants can have a significant effect on people’s wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown that spending time in nature, particularly forest bathing, results in marked improvements in a number of health markers in humans. It’s not feasible for most people to set up their desk deep in a forest but you can some of the same benefits from placing certain green plants in your workspace.

In this article we’re going to look at exactly what plants can do for your health and the best plants to add to your office space.

Office air can contain numerous toxic compounds such as that from furniture, printers, and desks along with different cleaning products. Certain plants help draw these toxins from the air which means any people in the office space are less likely to be affected by them. Dust can be another factor and this can contribute to issues such as asthma and skin irritations. Green plants can act like a sponge and soak up much of the dust in an office. Plants have large surface areas on their leaves and this can reduce the amount of dust in the air by around 20%.

The physical aspect of taking care of house plants can also remind us of our connection to nature. Active interactions with houseplants for instance feeling soil, pruning, touching, and aroma have shown to have the same relaxing and stress-reducing effects as spending time in a forest.

Studies have shown that the addition of plants to an office space improves mental wellbeing. While the exact process for this remains unclear there was a noticeable effect on study participants. Bright colours and “living walls” are always a good addition to a bland office space.

Other studies have shown that greenery and natural can increase concentration and therefore productivity. Plants and colours in general give you something different to look at and increase engagement which can stimulate the brain and increase motivation.

Sensible plants to add to an office space include rubber plants and English Ivy which help remove pollutants from the air. English Ivy is particularly good at removing moulds from the air. Kentia Palms thrive in the dry, dark air of offices so may be another good addition to the mix. Lavendar has a distinct smell that is associated with a calming, relaxing effect that can relieve anxiety. Plants can be sourced from larger supermarkets and garden centres and many companies specialise in large scale office fit outs of plants and flowers.

So if you’re interested in improving your health and well or that of your employees but don’t want to spend hours in the gym then consider investing in some office plants. We’ve looked at the reasons behind the benefits shown by these plants and offered a few ideas as to the specific plants you should look for. You don’t need to turn your office into a jungle but by adding specific plants to your work space you could enjoy the benefits they bring.
