Productivity Tips for Your Office Space

Everyone working in an office space, whether they are there permanently or if they rent it by the day, wants to be as productive as possible while they’re at the office. Some people just like to optimize processes while others just want to get home at a reasonable hour. Whatever the reason, office optimization is a big task and we’re going to look at a few tips and tricks here.

One of the most important considerations when setting up your office space is the floor plan. If the workers can’t quickly and effectively move around the space then it is costing them time. Also constantly having people wander past your desk can be very distracting, so a set up that balances ease of movement alongside elements of privacy work best. Staff can always wear headphones if they find a certain level of noise distracts them. In fact, they may prefer to listen to their own background music regardless of where they are situated.

Light, open spaces are much more conducive to a good and therefore effective work environment. While the exact building structure may be beyond your control, how it is set and organized can often be adapted to your preferences. Lots of light and large windows can improve mood which is very likely to improve productivity so keep this in mind when planning your office space.

Another thing that can slow productivity down is room clashes. There’s nothing worse than organizing a meeting and then finding there is no room available in which to host it. This can be frustrating and reflect badly on the organization when there are external visitors involved. It’s important to implement an online booking management system which updates in real time and then train all team members on it. Have strict rules about meetings not over running, which shows respect for your colleagues as well as outside stakeholders who may be guests in your office space on any given day.

There is some evidence that Feng Shui can help increase productivity in an office environment. Feng shui is the practice of arranging the pieces in indoor spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. This can include colours, light, plants and furniture and can become a complex art when fully applied. Even if you don’t believe Feng Shui can make you more productive it can certainly help improve people’s outlook and happy campers tend to work harder so applying these techniques is almost certainly a win win situation.

Having break out areas can improve productivity as these areas are conducive to quick informal meetings which can save you time compared to longer more formal team meetings. Having a selection of small break out areas in an office can be a very efficient and welcome addition to the office environment.

So there you have it, just a few simple ways that can increase the productivity in your office. Apply a few of these tips in your place and watch the productivity rise.
